Differences between America & Australia, Posts

Differences between America & Australia: Pies

Updated September 19, 2016 11:30 LA time.

What are the differences between America & Australia when it comes to Pies?

Savoury vs Sweet

What’s the difference between Americans and Australians when it comes to pies? Well the answer lies in two words: sweet versus savoury (technically that’s three).

I’m Australian so when you ask me—or other Australians—what comes to mind when you say “pie” I immediately think Meat Pie. A hot, burn-in-your-mouth pie. If you’re American you might think Apple Pie. You know? It’s as American as Apple Pie?!

Meat pies are one of those staples you miss the most when you leave home. When we were in Shanghai I made my own pies & sausage rolls. I have made my own pies here in the US but the sausage rolls haven’t cut it. Enter Garlo’s Aussie Pie Shop.



“The closest Americans come to savoury pies is the classic Chicken Pot Pie,” said Nathan Garlick from Garlo’s Aussie Pie Shop in Westwood LA. “But they’re totally unfamiliar with the classic meat pie we Australians practically call our signature dish.”

Stacy Garlick, Business Partner (and marriage partner!) chimes in, “But that doesn’t stop them, they’re totally willing to try them and they actually love them.“

That surprises me.  My son conducted a taste test with his swim team and at the mention of meat pies one boy said, “Ew, meat in pies!” But give them a pie to taste and it’s true they do love them.

“Do you have to teach Americans how to eat a meat pie?” I asked.

For my American readers, there are techniques & tips don’t you know!  Stacy Garlick says they don’t have a problem with it.

(I think that’s because they’re not at the footy or other sporting event trying not to spill piping hot meat all over the place).

How to eat a classic Aussie Meat Pie

Australian pies are traditionally eaten by hand. You stick the tomato sauce (ketchup) container into the pie give it a huge squirt then go for your life trying not to spill the ultra-hot contents or burn your mouth. It’s most definitely an art.

(Sadly no one would volunteer to take a photo so I could demonstrate for you.  I’ll work my way up to a video clip.)

Eating meat pies is a lot more civilised at Garlo’s though.

Stacy Garlick said, “The Americans are embracing our sides and the whole concept of Australian pie; it’s great.”

Typical sides are mushy peas and mashed potatoes but Garlo’s also caters to the exercise-conscious Los Angelinos by providing a green salad option.

And, you can sit down and enjoy all of the above in the comfort of their café and use a knife and fork.

(That’s actually made me think for a minute … my kids don’t know how to eat a meat pie at the footy. They only know meat pie eating at home and at parties. Time to update my “bucket list” to include giving my kids the opportunity to eat a meat pie at a sporting venue. Oh, the things we take for granted that we forget when we live overseas!

Garlo’s also has “American” apple pies and a range of Australian delicacies like Custard tarts, Tim Tams & vegemite. You can find them at Garlo’s Aussie Pie Shop or in person at 1010 Glendon Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90024. Garlo’s also ships America wide. And don’t go in looking for party pies & party sausage rolls … they’re known as sliders here. It might help when you’re putting in your next catering order.


Sadly Garlo’s is no longer in Westwood. We’re hoping they’re not gone for long though as we miss them terribly.

xx It Started in LA xx

PS:  This is how you get Garlo’s Pies in Australia, at Coles every day.



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  • Reply Bethanymagnie@gmail.com October 14, 2015 at 11:19 pm

    I’m American, but I did have a lamb pie the other night!! Definitely not the norm here though I will admit!

    • Reply ItStartedInLA October 15, 2015 at 9:34 am

      Wow, that’s interesting. Lamb pie sounds divine!

  • Reply sabrina October 14, 2015 at 11:45 pm

    Ive never liked sweet pies but I’ve never tried a savory your! Might need to find a recipe for one!

    • Reply ItStartedInLA October 15, 2015 at 9:33 am

      I’ve got a couple on my Pinterest board!

  • Reply rosemondcates October 15, 2015 at 8:44 am

    Yes, big differences!! But I gotta say…I say yes to pie whether it’s savory or sweet!!

    • Reply ItStartedInLA October 15, 2015 at 9:34 am

      I’m getting hungry just thinking about it–we love sweet too!

  • Reply stickyboogers October 15, 2015 at 8:51 am

    YUMMMMM im hungry, they need a vegetarian version of the meat pie

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