We’ve got a few more friends coming in to town so I called one of my favourite restaurants–our go-to when we have friends come to LA–to secure a couple of reservations.
The guy on the phone took my details, you know? When, what time etc. Then he said, “Name?”
“Gwen,” I replied.
“Oh Gwen, how are you sweetheart?” I knew immediately who it was on the other end of the phone. One of my first LA girlfriends had recommended I go to this popular restaurant and was instrumental in getting my 9:30 booking changed to the more civilised time of 8:00. She’s a regular and knows Craig well.
From that time the Matre D’ acknowledged me telling everyone I was Renee’s friend. Then I had moved on from being Renee’s friend to being “Gwen”. I was in.
So, you can imagine how chuffed I was that even on the phone I was recognised. I’ve made it and to no less than one of the restaurants to be seen at in LA. I posted it straight to Facebook and was happy our transition to LA was looking very good. I’m doing my job well: give yourself a pat on the back Gwen.
Fast forward one week to yesterday. I looked up the website to call to see if I could get a last-minute dinner booking for my hot date with my son. I knew it was a long shot but it was worth the try. I clicked through to an article in the New York Times on the birth of the restaurant and how Craig had gone from being Matre D’ at one of LA’s finest to running his own restaurant.
I knew that so of course I assumed the Matre D’ was “Craig”. That’s a pretty fair assumption, right? Exactly what I thought.
Well that’s not what the pic on said article showed. No, it’s the guy who schmoozes around half working, half chatting up the guests. Well it makes sense now I say it that way–and I know who the real Craig is doesn’t it? Duh! Really, how could I have been so amateur?!
One of my friends I’ve taken there recently described him as the classiest pimp in town–sitting at the booths with the gorgeous chicks and hot celebs, being one of the guests. I suppose he has one of the best jobs in the world. He lets his (very professional and gorgeous) Matre D’ do all the hard work while he does what he does best–keep the celebs (and me) happy!
Looking forward to dinner there tomorrow night. I’ll be careful who I call Craig.
Only in LA.
xx It Started in LA xx
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