My BMW is messing with me - It Started In LA
It’s Friday and it’s my favourite day of the week: it starts with tennis, turns into lunch and ends with drinks. What could be better? Friday just keeps on giving because then you’ve got the rest of the weekend of more of the same (except the tennis bit). Yay! This Friday started with a hitch. First up tennis and I’m on time (just). I have to hang two things on the clothesline then I’m in the car on the way. Here’s where the hitch comes in. I opened the car, popped my bag, phone (that I usually always carry separately) and tennis racket on the front passenger seat and (must’ve) shut the door. I popped my things on the line and went to get into the driver seat. Locked. I went around to the passenger side. Locked. How on earth is it locked when I opened it to get my things in there? And how is it locked when I didn’t lock it? (OMG I just said earth and not an expletive–what’s happening to me?) The answer, my friends, is that (unbeknownst to me–clearly) BMW must have this nifty security function where it’s smart enough to think, “oh wait, my owner …