Fact or Fiction: Bel Air - It Started In LA
Fact or Fiction????? Welcome back to this week’s Fact or Fiction. It’s good to see voting increased by more than 15% this week. Get on board, it’s a bit of fun. This week’s item drifts away from me being centre stage to an LA Trivia question. And the statement is … Bel Air is a suburb of LA with its own postcode. Thanks to the people who responded to last week’s Fact or Fiction. The answer to: Rod Stewart’s son is in my kids’ swim team. was: Fact. 66.67% thought it was Fiction 33.33% thought it was Fact. I am unashamedly a Rod Stewart fan. I remember when I was younger we were on holidays staying at my uncle’s house in Wales. He used to get The Sun daily and one week it had a Rod Stewart spotlight–a series about him, his life, his loves, his career etc. Well I was hooked from that minute on. So, when we turned up at the end of last year to one of the kids’ swimming finals and I glance up at the bleachers and see Rod Stewart–complete with hair and pastels–I did little to stay cool. I couldn’t take a photo, I …